The Mission


To give repeated opportunities to hear the Gospel to those in prostitution, homelessness, addiction and poverty in San Jose, Costa Rica.

To build relationships and trust in order to show that redemption is possible through the love and grace of the cross.


Why would any one move to a third world country to work with the marginalized?!?!  My best response is, why would a holy God come to a sin-ridden world to redeem humans?

God, my creator, Jesus, my savior, has laid a very specific mission on my heart, to spread the love and redemption of Jesus Christ among the people of San Jose, Costa Rica.

On August 24th, 2015 my world changed completely. God called me to go into full time missions. To bring His love to those who don’t even love themselves.

God has used my own failures to teach me what His redemption looks like. And now I am blessed to use my experience for His glory!  God in His perfect timing, has worked all things together to use me as a vessel of His love and mercy. He has used the mistakes I have made, to show me very specifically, what an amazing, redemptive God He is!

I have personally lived through the cycle of shame and hopelessness that convinces us that we are unworthy of love.  Miraculously, I have also experienced redemption from shame and sin that can only be given by a perfect and gracious God. Having been changed by this tremendous love, I am now joyfully compelled to share it with others who live in this vicious cycle!

The Lord has since been expanding the scope of the mission of Redeem Costa Rica.

The more time I spend in Costa Rica, the more the Lord expands my heart for the people here.  My mission has now grown past men and women in prostitution to include, the homeless, the at risk, those in extreme poverty and those who are in sudden crisis.

I pray that you will join me in this mission. I pray that God will move your heart for those in prostitution. I pray that you will pray for me, that God’s plans may be accomplished.

Thank you.

Donate to the Mission

Ripe for Harvest

All donations to the Redeem Costa Rica can be paid securely online at Ripe for Harvest Missionary Outreach or mail a check to -

Ripe For Harvest World Outreach
P.O. Box 487
Monument, CO 80132

Include Rachel's account number #20343 on any mailed check.

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Redeem Costa Rica
Redemption is Possible