May 31, 2017Would you like to buy a candy bar?

I hate asking people for money. I hated getting sponsors for the school jump rope-a-thon in 3rd grade. I hated asking for donations for my softball or soccer or track team in junior high. I hated asking people to send me on short term mission trips as an adult.  Where any of those bad reasons to seek donations? No. Did it make me feel any better knowing it was “for a good cause”? Only a little.

So here I am in a position of relying on sponsors and donations and faith promises to support me for the foreseeable future.  God sure has a sense of humor doesn’t He?  But I realize, that if I were independently wealthy, I would lose the opportunity to give glory to God for His goodness and provision, and I would cheat someone out of their ability to be part of this mission.

Fund raising takes on an entirely new light when you realize that it’s not for you.  I am not raising funds so that I can live in a tropical country.  I am not even seeking donors so that I can help rescue victims of human trafficking, no! I am giving an opportunity to those who want to be involved in the mission of spreading the love of Christ to the people of Costa Rica.

Better still God is giving an opportunity for His children to be faithful as He calls them to their part of the great commission.

Not for my comfort, not for my service, nor for any aspect of what I can do, all for Your glory Jesus!

Redeem Costa Rica
Redemption is Possible