Mar 24, 2018Ugh!

There can be times in our lives when things seem unmanageable, when PEOPLE are unmanageable.   There is a situation in my life right now which seems like it should have the simplest of solutions.  Yet, sin has such a strong hold that the logical, simple and safest solutions are discounted, ignored and raged against.

When we think of sin we often think of the “big ones”, murder, adultery, theft.  We can sometimes overlook the sins that are subtly present in our everyday lives, worming their way to a firm hold in our hearts.

Pride and selfishness are the natural products of our godless, ego-centric society. We preach individualism, “Be you! Be proud of who you are!” We are raised on selfishness, teaching our children they are entitled to happiness and safety.  How many times how you ever said “That’s not fair!”

How many times have I thought, “I got this.  I don’t need help.  If I let someone else do it they’ll probably just do it wrong anyway.” – PRIDE

You know I spent several mornings being bent out of shape because someone at work parked in my parking spot.  My unidentified, unknown to anyone but me, parking spot. No one gave me a parking spot, it didn’t have my name on it, I just liked it and parked there a lot and somehow, in my mind that meant I was entitled to it!  – SELFISH

Romans 12:12 – Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

As I dealt with the frustration and anger of this current situation today I thought,  “How can I rejoice when it seems like every step forward is met with resistance and being beaten 2 steps back?  How can I be patient with someone who goes out of his way to  be belligerently selfish and hurtful? How much more constant prayer can I be in?”

Here’s the real problem, the universe does not revolve around me! SHOCKER!

The question is not how can I do it but God, how will you do it through me?  Lord as often as I complain, remind me to rejoice!  As quick as I am to frustration or anger, give me divine patience and compassion! As likely as my thoughts are to wander, draw them in prayer to you!

If I can see the sin of selfishness and pride in my own heart and mind, shouldn’t it compel me to have the mercy on others that I wish for myself?  Lord help me to remember that ALL are your children, even the ones that make it hard to love them. Teach me humility by helping me show them grace.


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